Welcome to FLOH.
A consultancy offering the services that will ensure utilities and mechanical and electrical engineering systems are conceived, designed, installed and commissioned for longevity and efficiency.
FLOH specialises in the investigation and resolution of performance issues and relishes the challenge of solving the problems that others can't.
FLOH defines the business ethos and is the essence of this field. Engineering systems rely on movement; or FLOH.
Be this passive or dynamic, energy is generated, distributed and delivered, fulfilling a system's purpose.
Only with creativity and vision can the principles of efficiency be embedded into a development. Only with intuition and experience can operational problems be investigated and diagnosed. FLOH achieves this.
FLOH delivers engineering consultancy in a progressive, collaborative way, working to ensure the best possible outcome.

The need to coordinate utilities infrastructure procurement and its accurate appraisal is increasingly important given the finite nature of many once abundant resources.
Utilities and services infrastructure is an essential component of development, one which is not afforded sufficient time and consideration in planning or implementation.
Allied to any low carbon strategy is the need to actively reduce demand on networks ensuring a holistic approach to energy provision.
FLOH works collaboratively with utility providers and client teams to maximise integration, accelerate delivery and reduce cost.
Heat networks are used to distribute thermal energy between the point of generation and a consumer and are recognised as an important component in the UK’s future energy strategy.
Means of generation can vary in the type of fuel used, the type of plant, renewable content and condition of energy produced.
Consumers can be public or private, commercial or residential, industrial or recreational, or all of the above.
Common to all systems is the need for efficient and reliable operation which can only be achieved through a high quality installation offering reliability, longevity, low carbon intensity and low cost.
Understanding system intent, mechanical plant design and combustion efficiency principles, hydronic design, building envelope performance and the practicalities of use are all skills possessed by FLOH, who could be your partner in design and delivery.

A chimney or flue is an essential part of any thermal energy generation installation. The design and specification of this critical element is often overlooked, being secondary to primary plant space and distribution.
A flue’s function is to transport flue gases from the combustion device safely and effectively and to discharge these to atmosphere, the principle of FLOH applies.
With a lack of clear guidance, regulation and monitoring of flue design and installation, there are countless installations which not only affect the efficiency of the plant they serve, but present a risk to health and safety and result in poor air quality in the vicinity.
FLOH supplements in house expertise with support from industry experts, to provide probably the most experienced and practical flue support available in the UK.
The science behind building performance.
How can building services be optimised, do installations have to be of a particular capacity, how will they perform, how will the building respond to internal and external influences?
Building physics looks at a building's behaviour under varying conditions to inform critical design and operational decisions.

Decarbonisation of the National Grid through the increase in centrally generated renewable energy and investment in nuclear power creates a dichotomy in low carbon strategy.
Thermal energy demand in new development is reducing significantly with adoption of fabric first approaches. Domestic hot water represents the largest component in domestic engineering services design.
Viable alternatives using electrically based systems are emerging which could offer clean local solutions to energy and carbon conundrums.